Mentoring Luncheon and Clothing Drive

Join us on Friday, January 25th for our first Mentoring Luncheon of 2019: Pathways to Health

This year’s theme is Pathways.  Our first luncheon is Pathways to Health and will feature fitness, mental health and wellness resources, as well as a healthy (and tasty) lunch!  CNYWBA’s goal is to create conversations about how to successfully integrate wellness activities into a busy personal and professional lifestyle. 

When: January 25, 2019 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Where: CNY Philanthropy Center’s Ballroom

Cost: Free for CNYWBA members, $10.00 for non-members

RSVP: (registration also accepted at door)


CNYWBA Seeking Donations for Women United’s Professional Clothing Drive

Help us contribute to the United Way of Central New York’s Professional Clothing Drive to benefit the Women’s Opportunity Center, Onondaga Community College and YWCA’s My Sister’s Closet. 

Over the next two weeks, CNYWBA will be collecting donations of women’s clothing in the form of new or gently used blazers, suits, dresses, dress slacks, socks, winter coats, scarves, jewelry, blouses and (new) undergarments. 

How to Donate: Gather and drop off the above-listed items at our January 25th Mentoring Luncheon (CNY Philanthropy Center Ballroom 12:00 p.m. – 1:15pm).  Can’t make the luncheon?  E-mail Annie Porter between January 22nd and January 30th to arrange for pick-up/drop-off.


Hope to see everyone there!